Head carrying is common in Guatemala. It is quite amazing to see people (more women than men) using their heads to carry large, heavy bundles. But as you scroll down you will also see people (in this case more men than women) carrying large items on their backs. Surely this ability comes from years of practice and learning to balance the load.

I noted that most people use a sort of wrap on the head upon which they put the load.

A high end gift shop in Antigua has this for sale.

I had to be careful in this village climbing the uneven steps and navigating the pathways – and I had nothing on my head.

In the crowded markets it is amazing that people carry large baskets and items on their head and dodge the crowds at the same time.

and EGGS!!!

Still in the market we can see man with very heavy loads on their back.

Vendors on the streets …

hat selling

Women in the park carry items on their head and babies in sling type blankets on their back or side

Here is a mother and daughter each with a baby on her back. The babies are twins!

This is just a unique hat but in any case, it is something she is carrying on her head.

People walk long distances carrying items to set up sale stalls in outdoor markets

This is the Chichicastenango market early in the morning when sellers are setting up for the day

Mannequins could not be left out of this post

It seems that carrying fabric on the head is another way to shield out the sun