The annual Pow Wow at Long Hunter State Park in Hermitage TN enjoyed a beautiful weekend in October 2021. I arrived early so many of my photos are of spectators and few are of the dancers and other performers who arrived later in the day, when I was already gone.
Here are some of the visitors and spectators who were enjoying the Pow Wow.
There evidently was a face painting booth. Though I did not see the booth, I did find these lovely young girls who were eager to model for me.

Though the whole event was outdoors many people wore masks… in all sorts of configurations.

The following two photos are of women wearing beautiful native American head adornments.

When I asked this woman if I could photograph her Native American earrings, she was delighted. Then I showed her that I also got her face in the photo. We both laughed.

And this image made me laugh even harder!

More spectators…

Some of the performers were at the park early.

There was a short opening ceremony and this guy performed a ring dance.

The MC asked for audience members to participate in a ring dance. This young woman danced and was so eager to jump into the hoop, she got caught on the pole.

A small parade of early performers followed the games.

A basket weaving demo…

Teepees and vendors circled the field

And this just caught my eye…

I used some Photoshop techniques in some of these photos – mostly to remove distractions from the photos.