A huipil is a traditional blouse worn by Mayan women in Guatemala. They are hand made with elaborate embroidery and weaving. There is much symbolism and ornamentation on these garments. I saw most women and children of all ages wearing these beautiful huipils. Some specific design types represent various cities or regions. Here are many photos taken of women on the streets, working in shops and markets, working at home, and in stores wearing their traditional and unique huipils.

Even Maria’s baby Marta wears a huipil

This couple has been visited yearly by our leader. She wears her huipil daily.

This woman is known for her traditional Mayan hat. It is actually a long red band that she wraps around 20 times. Evidently she sits in this location most of the time and demonstrates her hat donning technique for anyone who visits.

These mannequins are wearing the “ready to customize” huipils and the ones behind are wait to be dressed!