While driving on a rural country road we spotted an interesting looking barn and field. So we stopped to take some photos. Off in another direction we saw two people and a great tuft of wool. There was a young guy and his grandmother shearing a sheep. They were rather shy but were ok with us watching and photographing them.

This was pretty amazing because generally even there in Central Asia sheep shearing is done with electric shears. So watching this process was a gift for us.

Yup, that is their outhouse in the background.

A few days before this sheep shearing find, we visited a felt making “factory.” It is a family business where they gather the wool and then go through the process of making it into felt. Here is the process.

The wool is spread on a mat on the floor making sure it is about the same thickness in all places.

It is then sprinkled with water but done so that it is not soaking wet but evenly sprinkled.

The whole thing is then rolled up rather tightly squeezing out the excess water in the process.

The roll of felt in the canvas type mat is then put into the “home made” electric driven contraption that rolls and squishes it to get out more of the water.

It is then taken outside, still rolled up and doused with water again.

Finally, it is hung to dry and later folded up to be used as the raw material for the finished products.

Here we can see a talented artist who designs the felt pieces.

Here are some of the items that this family sells.

Check out the “yurt” posts to see how felt pieces (usually very large ones) are used to cover and insulate the yurts and decorate the insides of yurts.