These images did not seem to fit into the other categories that I used for my Silk Road images. So, I have grouped them all here in this final “Stans” blog post.
These first few images are (to me) humorous.

This guy was asleep in the middle of a market.

I hope people wash whatever is in these sacks after they buy some.

There were numerous similar displays in Kasakhstan where when we were there it was almost 100 degrees (F) each day. I then found out that winters can be very cold so this sort of hat does come in handy.

This beautiful woman was proud to show off her long hair.

I just like the following images and wanted to share.

A lovely restaurant with beautiful wall decor.

These are bamboo “fences” used for to control erosion along the highway.

These are actually patio-type furniture often seen outside homes and hotels.

I do not know what game these guys are playing but they had a sizeable audience.

Impressive costume adornment

Statues of interest

The following were seen on and along country roads.

Finally, I love that the flag of Kyrgyzstan displays the traditional top of a yurt.