The drive in an off road vehicle with good shock absorbers up to 12,000 on windy, rough roads was still rough and then the sight of the unexpected snow on the windshield made for the beginning of our final adventure.
The sign said… but that was just the sign.
They had not yet constructed the yurts so this is where we stayed.
Because our vehicles (off road and specially equipped) could not make it up the snowy mountain, we were driven in the Russian style vehicle.
And because even the Russian tank could not go any further up the mountain, it was time for the trek.
I never made it to the lake but I did trudge some, enjoy the scenery, and laugh a lot. We were almost alone except a horse and rider, a dog, and the Russian vehicle.
Since a couple of people did make it to the lake to photograph the rest of us had this place to ourselves while we waited for them
Quite the adventure!