The following photos either have a story to go with them or did not fit into the other photo categories I have posted about Istanbul.
Inside the Blue Mosque they seem to be renovating a section of the main area. I found it interesting to watch these people working of the space as visitors and tourists watched.

This working telephone was on the desk in our hotel.

Interesting to see the local paper and how they report on US events.

I believe this is a logo. I think it is eye catching but I have no idea what it represents.

As I walked past this woman I saw her different shoes and asked if I could photograph them.

As this tram left the station, I saw this woman put her child up on the inside handrail.

The staircase in the image is by a bridge. I found the combination of the Turkish man with his prayer beads sitting on the step and the two women tourists an interesting contrast.

A fun combo of wall art and a family enjoying the day.

As I passed this man giving a shoeshine he said, “I will give you a nice pedicure.”

This is an enormously long street filled with high end shops, lots of people, and restaurants.

After buying lottery tickets, these guys are scratching their cards to see if they won.

I first approached the two women to get a photo but this guy immediately got into the frame and posed.

A different sort of tattoo.

This is an image of a type of drum looking at the bottom side as the drummer held the drum under his arm and tapped the other side of the instrument.

There are several Hookah cafes in Istanbul

When I looked in the window of this barber shop the barber came out and invited me inside. He kept posing but finally I asked him to just do his work and I would photograph him in action.

Istanbul at night

This woman is tending to some baby kittens; this sort of care and affection can be seen all over Istanbul.

This was by far one of the most fun experiences I had in Istanbul. I was with another photographer and we were talking to and photographing the guy in the purple shirt. He was very friendly and tried to get his friends to also pose for photos. He then entered this other guy’s shop and they started play fighting. Their joy was wonderful to experience and photograph.

This is an interesting spot with the staircase and mirror and water trough. It is just outside public bathrooms. I hung out here to see if I could get a good photography.

In the courtyard of the mosque worshipers wash their feet and heads before praying. I found it very interesting.

When I saw this guy with the pointy hair in the bookshop area of the bazaar, I asked if I could get his photo. He then smoothed back his hair into a more normal style. I of course asked him to put it back into the pointed style; and he obliged.

It is quite common to see men and boys holding hands in the streets.

All sorts of buildings can be found in Istanbul.

And all sorts of carvings are also abundant in the city