My first morning in Egypt started with a camel ride out into the desert. It was dark, and cold, and foggy. But it was exciting, beautiful, and energizing.

Here is the first sight of the Pyramids.

There is a local horse riding school whose participants came barreling past us really waking us up – it was barely past 5am.

Then this one guy entertained us all as he had his horse do these amazing tricks. No, he is NOT whipping the horse; he raised the whip in a direction to guide the horse. Sunrise did not clear the haze but the horse show was rather spectacular.

Later in the day we went to a rooftop for a different view of the Pyramids. We also saw some other local sights.

And then the Pyramids up close.

And the Sphinx

Arriving at select times allowed us to have these areas almost to ourselves but there were a few other sightseers.