Watching people doing what they do (by this I am referring to their work) gives us insights into the lives and practices of the people. How do they dress? What instruments do they use? What are their facial expressions?
Here are some people sweeping and doing street cleaning, in front of their shop or home or in the midst of a city or town. I really like the brooms.

The blacksmith family gave us a demonstration like none other.

These four images show the process and the result! Wow!

The temperature was hot but this woman kept diligently trimming and weeding this public garden.

Many ancient or old sites need continual repairs. These guys work hard even with people walking by.

Knife making.

This woman was selling various oils and scents at the entrance to a holy site.

The woman in this home factory makes mattresses and bed covers.

Here she is hand stitching a traditional mattress cover for newlyweds.

As we left her shop she showed us how to calculates fees using her abacus.

While walking down this street I saw the bed just outside of this shop. It is a laundry!

Each day these guards march to the town square and then two of them stand at attention for some time.

An artist at work.

This woman is knitting tiny shoes using these very fine knitting needles.

Especially in the country, many people cook on an outside stove or fire pit.

Building a yurt. Visit the blog post on yurts to see more of this process.