Tea – Coffee – Basket Weaving – Water – Bananas – Fishing – Quarry
This is how people cut/harvest the top leaves of the tea plants.

After several leaves are cut they are tossed into the basket they carry on their back.

While the parents are working in the fields, the kids are waiting by the road side playing and waiting.

They kept wanting to have more and more photos taken and then want to see the photos on the back of my camera. Note that the bigger kids take care of the littler ones.

This is the coffee making process – a tedious one.

Basket Making
This is a group practice

In many areas water is hard to get and people trek to the rivers and carry jugs to their homes or villages. Here there is a pump.

Bananas are seen everywhere in Uganda. The main mode of transportation to market is by motorbike.

Here are some bonus banana images – an orb and a kaleidoscope each made using the above image as a base.

This fishing village is busy with kids, fishermen, net workers, boat workers, and more kids.

We were just driving by and this quarry and its colors jumped out. Colorful but difficult work.

This young man was happy that I liked his Philadelphia shirt.