I met many people on the streets of Istanbul both individuals and people in pairs or groups. For me it was not easy to distinguish natives of Istanbul or Turkey from tourists. However, I found almost every person to be friendly. Here are images of individual people, some with whom I had conversations.
While photographing this interesting shop in the bazaar, this man approached me and asked, “What do you need?” My reply was, “I really just want to take photos of the items.” He then replied, “Why not take photos of me?”

As I strolled in the courtyard of this mosque I spotted the woman smiling at me. We began to talk. She was a tourist from the UK but originally from India.

With family in New Jersey, I just had to get a photo of this guy and all his shoes.

In Turkey you often see people, both men and women, with their prayer beads.

The red hair just called to me. When I approached this women she asked why I wanted a photo of her. I said it was because her red hair was fascinating to me. She liked seeing the photo on the screen of my camera.

Somehow I found the white police car and the white Muslim outfit on this man interesting.

Istanbul is so busy with people that often, as in the photo below, I could walk up close to someone and snap their photo without them even looking up.

Many people from around the world go to Istanbul to get hair transplants. This guy chatted with us and told us how eager he was for his new head of hair.

I found lots of eyes in wall art in the city of Istanbul. I began a collection of eye photos. When this women in the dress with an eye approached, I stopped her and asked to photograph her. She was flattered and very friendly. She was visiting Istanbul but lives in Africa.

We visited this “hookah bar” and watched people chat, smoke, and nibble on snacks. I found this guy’s expression and the smoke coming from his nose interesting.

I spent the first few years of my life in Brooklyn NY so had to get an image of this guy in the Brooklyn shirt. I wondered if there really is a Brooklyn in Wisconsin; and found that indeed there is.

Cats are everywhere in Istanbul and they are revered by all the citizens.

Interesting guy. I have no idea what he does or sells or promotes though.

This little girl was extremely happy to pose and chat. I often saw kids who were accompanying their parents to work, wait patiently or play while Mom or Dad worked.

In good English, this Turkish child said she was reading a very good Turkish book.

This woman from Istanbul wanted me to take photos of her and her dog. I took several.